A Revelation of Love


In the 16 Showings of Julian of Norwich

A Contemporary Version edited, arranged and illustrated by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard

ISBN: 9781905039371

‘A Revelation of Love’ was written by a woman about whom we know very little, yet she has had an enormous impact on the spirituality of our time, and is now just being rediscovered as a teacher and theologian of great originality and depth.

Born in Norwich in 1342, Julian lived during a time of great suffering, including the Black Death.

Sometime, after having received her revelations, Julian chose the life of an anchoress. Her cell was attached to a church in Norwich. There, reflecting on her revelations, she wrestled with the big questions of life: sin and the place of suffering; love and how it is shown; our eternal destiny and God’s Providence; the role of grace and mercy when we fail.


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