Between the Bells


By Paul Hutchinson

ISBN: 9781786220769


Corrymeela – a Christian community committed to reconciliation, is bounded by bells. Twice a day – morning and evening – a large bell sounds out over the site. This is a call to attention, a call to pause, a space to reflect on God, self, neighbour, stranger.

Between the Bells recounts the varied experiences of many whose lives have been changed by their visit to Corrymeela, and the changes they have effected in others. Narrated by the former Centre Director of the Corrymeela Community, it is full of wild and beautiful and funny stories that linger in the heart. Each story shows an aspect of the reconciliation journey, and captures various encounters – sad, challenging, inspiring, strange – that roam from the epic to the everyday.

Between the Bells considers these key questions:- What needs reconciled in the 21st Century?- What has religion to offer in a positive way to Northern Ireland, for its people, for society?- How can we better understand conflict in order to build positive relations, improve communication, and nurture individuals, communities and society?

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